Monday, May 10, 2010


So, I had an eventual first day back at school. I'm already halfway through one of my courses. Yay me!! :o)
I haven't weighed in a while, and I haven't worked out in a week. I need to get back in the saddle, effective tomorrow! :o)

Thought I'd post a picture of my first day of the semester...  I can tell that I've lost weight in my face. But that's about it.. LOL.. Well.. I say that, but I can see my toes now without bending over! That's progress..

Will blog more later when I have the opportunity. In the meantime, I am going to figure out dinner and relax some..

I hope everyone had an amazing Mother's Day weekend. I know I did.. My husband fixed me breakfast on Sunday morning.. Consisted of french toast and bacon!! YUM! :o)  and to top it off, he fixed dinner for me last night.. My absolute favorite-- his fajitas! :o)  <3

Wednesday, April 28, 2010


Ok, so I went to Zumba yesterday for the first time in a few weeks. I couldn't make it all the way through. By the time we got almost done, my knee was KILLING me! But, I did what I could, and I never stopped moving. Even if I was just standing there, shaking my booty, I still never stopped moving! :o) Had a good time with my friend Marcie. I met her in my Paralegal class two years ago!!

I am looking forward to going tomorrow! Might even take some Before and After pics of me and my friends! :o) Depends on how sweaty we manage to get tomorrow! lol...

So today, I weighed myself using my Wii Fit. My goal was to be down 5 lbs in a month! I've not only met, but I've surpassed my goal! I am now a whopping 283 lbs! I know it's a lot. But I'm working on it. I'm ALMOST down to 100 lbs more than when I graduated high school. I don't think I can lose 100 lbs in 8 months, but that's ok. If I did, that's a weight loss of over 3 lbs per week.. TOTALLY unhealthy. Not worth it to me. I'll just take my time and do it right so it STAYS off!

I really do enjoy Zumba. I love to dance. My grandmother owned a dance studio in Waco for many, many years. I remember going in when we were building her studio and playing in front of the mirror using the bars... This is my personal way of dancing now that I'm too old to get back into ballet, tap, and jazz. I like the upbeat music, the fast paced routines, and despite the fact that there are 100 other people in there with me as long as I can see the instructor, I feel like I'm the only person! Until I reach out and hit someone else!! LOL. :o)

Well, off to figure out what's for dinner. Might be a leftovers kind of night.. :o)

Thursday, April 22, 2010


I have been working my tail off lately, trying to lose weight.. According to my Wii, I'm down to 287 lbs. I can't see it on the scale, but I can see it in my clothes and the fact that I'm not retaining as much fluid in my legs. I was put on lasix a year or so ago because I was retaining fluid to the point that I had pitting edema in my legs. Since I started working out a few times a week, I have noticed a decline in the swelling. That makes me feel good..

My knee is getting better. I have been working it out daily. Today I did 4 1/2 miles between the elliptical and the stationary bike. Kevin (my dear hubby!) did almost 11 miles!! Wow!!

I'm adding a few pictures of me that were taken Tuesday (4/19/2010)

This was taken before bed, after our banquet..

This is myself and my wonderful husband!!  This is probably one of my favorite pictures ever!
Waiting patiently to walk out the door.. :o) We had a good time that night.

Saturday, April 17, 2010

wow, twice in a week!!

Ok, so I started doing Zumba a few weeks ago, right? Well Tuesday after our hardcore workout, I had some errands to run. Went to Walmart and noticed I was limping a little and my knee hurt, but thought I could just work it out and that it was sore. No such luck.  After dinner, I kicked back in the recliner for a bit, and by the time I got up to go to bed, I could not walk on my left leg at all.

Ended up in the ER Wednesday morning and found out that I sprained my knee. HOW I sprained it has yet to be determined. I just know I'm T minus 4 days and still can't walk on it. Although it doesn't hurt as much now as it did Tuesday/Wednesday morning..

I am going to try to go to the gym later today and go work out the soreness. Maybe if I start working it out, I'll be able to go to Zumba this week! :o) I've started losing weight. I'm just not sure how much. I try not to weigh myself. I go on how my clothes fit and how I feel.. My double-chin is getting smaller.. and my legs are getting smaller.. Whoohooo!!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Man, I suck at this!!

Ok, so I haven't blogged since February 21st! I know, I'm awful at keeping tabs on myself! :o) It's now 7:45 in the morning and I just got through eating breakfast. I fixed my mother-in-law breakfast, as well as the rest of my wonderful family!

I've had a lot of stuff happen to me over the last few days. On Sunday, I found out that my aunt passed away. Then my daughter came down with the stomach flu Sunday night. Monday we found out that my husband's grandmother has lung cancer, again. Tuesday, Kevin and my MIL Brenda both came down with the stomach flu. Deborah's school called me at 10 to let me know she'd fallen in the gym. Well needless to say, Tuesday night we spent six hours at our local emergency room. Turns out all was alright, but I was still VERY concerned and so was the doctor.. She had a bruise on her scalp, but it never made it all the way to her brain, so he sent us home round about 3:30 in the morning!! As I'm getting ready to depart the ER, I run into a friend of mine who was there with her baby, Sierra, who had the stomach flu!!! It's going through Waco like crazy! I'm surprised I didn't end up with it..

I got approved for a grant for me to go to school this semester! I just have some paperwork to turn in before I can receive my voucher.. It's crazy to look at something that says I am going to graduate in DECEMBER! OMG!! :o)

I also started going to Zumba. Been three times so far!! If you don't know what it is, it's this crazy latin dance-type aerobics. You work out for about an hour and by the time you're done, you're covered in sweat and breathing hard! I absolutely LOVE it!!!!!!!!! It's my "me" time, twice a week! If you ever want to go, just let me know!

I had to start drinking lactose-free milk. The regular milk was making me sick to my stomach. I don't drink very much, but when I do, I don't want to feel like I'm dying because I had to sneak a drink of milk!!

I don't think I've lost anymore weight. Last time I weighed, I was 288 lbs. I am working on it though.. On the days that I don't Zumba, I am going to start going to the gym and working on the treadmill for an hour.. Kevin is going to start going to the gym Monday. That's a good thing.. It's so much easier to lose weight when you have a partner who is willing to do it with you!

Sunday, February 21, 2010

I'm in trouble!

Ok, so I haven't blogged in a month! Sorry!!!! I have been sick for two weeks. Just now starting to get better! :o)

So, what's new with you? Me?? Well, let's see.... I started working out! One of my best friends and I have started using the gym here on campus every day, with the exception of the last two weeks. We go work out after class, and I love it! It's my time to just get away. Plug in my headphones and forget about the world.
  Since I haven't worked out in two weeks, I'm pretty sure that I've undone everything I worked so hard on. That just means I have to work twice as hard to catch up! I'm looking forward to getting back in the swing of things tomorrow. :o)
  In my last blog, I mentioned that we had gone out and bought a vegetable steamer. It has officially become a permanent fixture on my counter. I use it every day! Tonight's dinner is going to consist of hoisin-glazed pork chops, steamed brown rice, and broccoli!
  We have officially quit eating bread. We bought a loaf a few weeks ago, I guess.... And it went bad sitting atop our refridgerator. We don't eat it like we used to.. That's a good thing though. :) We used to go through a loaf or two a week!
  I am still drinking water. TONS of water! All I drink is water (or milk). Still don't have a craving for soda. I'm glad that I don't miss it. Once in a while, I steal a swig of Kevin's sweet tea, but that's once in a blue moon.
 I took this picture on February 6th. It doesn't show much of a difference, but if you look at my legs, they're smaller! I was starting to fit comfortably into my 22's. Now that I quit working out, I'm back in my 24's, but that's going to change, soon! :o)

Thank you to my friend Amanda who is always on my case about blogging when I take too long and supporting me when I don't think I have it in me! A special thanks to my best friend Ashley. She's my rock and my work-out partner! :o)

Wednesday, January 27, 2010


I knew it had been a while since I had blogged last, but I didn't realize it's been almost a MONTH! I'm so sorry (not that anyone reads me anyhow)!!!

So, I went to the doctor yesterday. Got bad news and worse news. Bad news is that I've gained back 3 of the 10 lbs I've lost. The worse news is that I am officially a diabetic! My doctor put me on Actos, which is known to make people GAIN weight, so I'm walking on the edge of a double-edged knife..

I have class in a few hours, but I will blog again later tonight, after I try out my new veggie steamer! If you have any recipes for steamed stuff, let me know! :o)